Monday, March 19, 2012

kicking buckets

Now that I have a little more breathing time, I thought I'd revisit that bucket list and see what needed updating.  Come to find out, I've completed quite a bit of the list.  The original list can be found here.  Thanks to several very helpful friends and family members, I was able to cross off all except the following items:

1. Throw away/give away/sell/recycle all the stuff I'm not actively using and/or don't love.
2. Grow cotton.
5. Busk as a bard. 
9. Read aloud to a group or an individual:
         - The Schubark Chronicles
10. Grow orchids.
11. Learn to identify 10 constellations. (I already know 5!)
12. Make an amigurumi.
14. Spend 24 hours in silence and without technology.
15. Get certified to teach in Florida (and Missouri?)- halfway there - got my certificate of eligibility for FL!
16. Go to Dragon*Con in 2012.
17. Wear a lolita outfit.  In public.
25. Watch a Cirque du Soleil show.
26. Make a basket.
29. Go on a road trip with no destination and no plan.
30. Build a cabin.

Leaving fifteen of the original 30 items.  Not bad.

I've even made progress on several of the remaining tasks.  I'm slowly working my way through the accumulated treasures in the office, donating and discarding with a severity I've never before attempted.  The results are slow in coming, mainly because of the sheer volume of things I need to go through and the amount of time I'm able to commit to each session of sorting.  I have made some inroads, however, and am quite content with that for now.

The cotton is another story.  I am having a heck of a time finding a source for seed.  I will continue to search.

I'm nearly confident enough in my storytelling abilities to attempt busking, though it would be better if I had a singing voice and/or musical talent on a stringed instrument.  Though with the persona I've developed, it doesn't really make that much difference.

I have had the pleasure of reading several things aloud to various groups and individuals, but am still trying to schedule a children's story-time event with one of the local libraries for a reading of The Schubark Chronicles.  Soon, I hope.

The orchid growing continues to wait for the building of a permanent greenhouse, which is waiting for gainful employment and a steady income... so we'll see.

I'm getting better with the constellations.  I have Orion, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Canis Major, and Taurus so far.

I have a plan for the amigurumi, just need to sit down and do it.

The silent/no tech thing will happen - again, soon.

I applied for and received my certificate of eligibility for teaching in Florida.  The English part went off without a hitch, but apparently I need a course in Mass Communication for the Public Speaking bit.  Or just pass the test.  I'm thinking it's nearly test time.

Dragon*Con hotels are completely sold out and the alternate hotels are nearly gone as well, but I am working on a couple of angles that may still let me go.  I continue to have hope!

The lolita outfit will be finished by this weekend... and I'll be wearing it while I serve at a Red Hat tea party.  I think that counts as "in public."

Cirque du Soleil is still a dream.  Perhaps next year, now that I have a next year.

I very nearly made a basket out of mimosa bark, but I waited too long and now the bark has dried.  I'm going to soak it soft as soon as the chickens get out of my bathtub.

Though the road trip sounds like fun, the only one I'll be taking soon definitely has a destination and plan.  I am honored to be presenting at a Pagan Student Association workshop for the gang at my alma mater, FSU.  That event will be this weekend, and I couldn't be more excited!  The topic is "Kitchen Witchery," and I will be engaging the participants in hands-on cooking activities as we charge and cook an entire menu of deliciousness.

I've begun to design my dream cabin, and intend to construct this diminutive dwelling as soon as finances permit.  Believe me, photos will be taken and shared, because no one would believe I'd done it otherwise.

So, that's the rest of the list.  I think it's a good list, and I'm still happy with it.  I look forward to crossing off the rest of these entries... all the way to 30.  Of course, that won't mean I'm finished - it will just mean it's time to make another list!

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